Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answer to the most frequently asked questions on this page. If you cannot find the answer here, please write us.


Anymate is a collaboration app where human workers and Automation work together to deliver great and efficient services.

Anymate enables employees without extensive IT skills to handle and work along with software robots, scripts, and AI. We empower business, operation, and service to be proactive and flexible in their use of automation, all while keeping IT in full control of what can happen, and when.

We reduce operational clutter and complexity so Business can focus on delivering great service, and Developers can focus on developing.

Anymate was founded in 2019 by Entrepreneurs Mathias Christiansen and Simon Faltum, who met at the Technical University of Denmark. Simon had extensive experience in Finance, BPO, and Automation. Mathias has built and exited an earlier startup. We are based in Copenhagen.

If you have at least one dedicated RPA-developer or Automation-developer you will get a lot of value out of Anymate. No matter how far you are on the journey, you will end up spending most of your day servicing the handful of robots you have developed instead of making new ones. With the cost of developers, you will earn the price back very fast.

If you are merely using attended robots on a desktop in the corner every couple of days, perhaps only really handled by one guy, and you don’t really see business cases for more complex automation, then we are probably a bit to much for you. Grab a free trial and see what the fuzz is about.


Robots can’t get Corona.

We actually saw usage skyrocket during the pandemic. This may be because automation with Anymate is really stable, it can be handled remote, and it doesn’t care if there is 100 tasks or 10.000 tasks in the queue – it just gets to work.

We will continue to build and release features in the space of robot-to-human collaboration.

These releases will go into all packages unless their cost of delivery is so high we have to cap it in the premium packages.

We focus our features on 3 different goals that we feel give the most impact to you, our customers:

1) Simplification of the collaboration: We continuously develop tools so that the complex processes can be simplified so elegantly that everyone can handle them. This will make sure that you can fill your pipeline – because we will make taller ladders for you to reach further up the tree.

2) Autonomous systems: Our customers only wants to spend time on their automation setup if they need to. The more error detection, handling and dataflow we can do the better. This will help you save more time in administration and

3) Continuous integration: We want to bring your automation setup where your users are! This will open up new possibilities for process automation and let you engage and deploy on the users premises – a strategy that will enable your automation to get huge traction in the company.

Collaboration with Software Robots

The most used feature is our spreadsheet recorder, where the users can upload thousands of tasks, get them validated right there, and get the robot on its way.

We also provide easy access to forms that also validate up front.

Tasks can be created through our API so you can easily develop buttons and applications that create tasks from any of your own systems

If a task is set to require approval, the robot will not take the task before it has been successfully approved.

We have a range of different approval permissions ranging from ‘everyone can approve’ to ‘only a certain manager can approve’. These are configured for each process so you can get the right flow.

Our customers usually use approvals when

1) the automation is handling money, and
2) As safety 4 eyes when there are input files that are required to be in a correct format.

Business rules are attached to each process and can be changed on the fly in Anymate. Every time a robot start they get the recent business rules for the process and solve their job based on what the rules are. Rules can be anything like numbers, strings, switches, lists, tables, and rich text.

You should keep as much as possible in rules so business can change the automation flexibly.

A common use case is to make ‘excluded lists’ for instance when a customer supporter has made an agreement with a client and thus the client shouldn’t get billed for the next couple of days. They can put the client Id on a list with a small note so that they remember to take it off again.

Another common use case is to make ‘decision tables’ where all the little complex rules in business can be handled. For instance  if a customer is from EU and not assigned to a Sales worker they should be assigned to MEC, but if they are from UK they should be assigned to SFA.

We use RPA and scripts to solve the difficult jobs that has many paths, rules, and complexity. A lot of the gain of the automation is in a few ‘happy paths’ but we cant fully automate the process because of all the edge cases around the happy path. If we have to automate all of it we end up with way to much development and testing time for it to actually be worth it.

In Anymate we got a complete module for handling edge cases. The robot can easily handle the task back with reasons and comments, and the users can then deal with that task.

Once the process has run a few times you also get a good indication of which edge cases is profitable to handle and which are just better to carry by hand.


Anymate is an excellent addition to the more technical Orchestrators.

Use the technical tools to set the playing field of the automation setup: Allowed run times, business holidays, servers,  licenses, and version control. While IT can handle these details in orchestration, it is not a good idea to let business into these tools.

Here Anymate becomes a nice addition where business can handle most of the inquiries and service tickets themselves through Anymate instead of ordering developers to do them.

Yes. We have an easy and effective API where you can hook everything up. We have good documentation and examples to get you started

No. We don’t do the actual automation – there are many good technologies out there for this. We help everybody use the automations that has been developed, and we let you mix and match the different technologies so you dont get pigeonholed into one.

We wrote a few guides depending on your setup.

If you have at least one dedicated RPA-developer or Automation-developer you will get a lot of value out of Anymate. No matter how far you are on the journey, you will end up spending most of your day servicing the handful of robots you have developed instead of making new ones. With the cost of developers, you will earn the price back very fast.

If you are merely using attended robots on a desktop in the corner every couple of days, perhaps only really handled by one guy, and you don’t really see business cases for more complex automation, then we are probably a bit to much for you. Grab a free trial and see what the fuzz is about.


We will continue to build and release features in the space of robot-to-human collaboration.

These releases will go into all packages unless their cost of delivery is so high we have to cap it in the premium packages.

We focus our features on 3 different goals that we feel give the most impact to you, our customers:

1) Simplification of the collaboration: We continuously develop tools so that the complex processes can be simplified so elegantly that everyone can handle them. This will make sure that you can fill your pipeline – because we will make taller ladders for you to reach further up the tree.

2) Autonomous systems: Our customers only wants to spend time on their automation setup if they need to. The more error detection, handling and dataflow we can do the better. This will help you save more time in administration and

3) Continuous integration: We want to bring your automation setup where your users are! This will open up new possibilities for process automation and let you engage and deploy on the users premises – a strategy that will enable your automation to get huge traction in the company.

License and Support

We have cloud hosted SaaS with a scalable pricing model. This makes sure that you always get the latest releases and features, and with our hosting policy you have a very stable and secure system.

We also offer On-Premise solutions – reach out and we will provide you with an offer.

If you have at least one dedicated RPA-developer or Automation-developer you will get a lot of value out of Anymate. No matter how far you are on the journey, you will end up spending most of your day servicing the handful of robots you have developed instead of making new ones. With the cost of developers, you will earn the price back very fast.

If you are merely using attended robots on a desktop in the corner every couple of days, perhaps only really handled by one guy, and you don’t really see business cases for more complex automation, then we are probably a bit to much for you. Grab a free trial and see what the fuzz is about.


If you have any special needs regarding hosting either on your own tenant or on-premise, please reach out to sales@anymate.io

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